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To all who are checking out the site, this is not the most recent site. all the content from the most recent site and all of its data was deleted from the server when i lost the domain. I just got it back and pointed it to this old free site. yes it is old and no i am not wanting to build on this particular platform. With the funding gained, I would like to create a new site with a new platform and mobile app. I would like to do it from scratch as it would be more customize-abl,  though i may have to use a white label platform depending on funding. I would like to get any input as far as what you would like to see on the new site and you can do that by clicking the "Talk About It" tab. So, if you would like to sign up, we can all discuss the possibilities of the site, and what everyone would like to see when we get the funding. This would be a great way to make this site how you would like it! - The Social Network made "for" GAMERS, "by" GAMERS! 

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